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Accounts and Access

  • Service available to: Faculty, Staff, Students, Researchers, Retirees, Alumni
  • Themes: Help and Support, Security
  • Service Category: IT Security
  • Service Areas: Identity and Access Management

Description of Service

This service provides all faculty, staff, researchers, students with a computer account consisting of a username-called the Network Services Identifier (NSID)-and a password. The NSID is randomly created and consists of three letters followed by three numbers (e.g. abc123). This single digital identity helps to provide a seamless transition between university IT services. The account provides role-based access to university computer and network services such as PAWS, email, password-protected webpages, and the wireless network. A change in role (e.g. from student to alumni or employee to retiree) may change which services are available. 

Through My Profile, this service provides faculty, staff, and students with an easy way to:

  • Change or synchronize the password for their NSID.
  • Manage password self-recovery options by providing mobile numbers, an alternate email address, or creating secret questions and answers.
  • Check email quota and space usage.
  • Create email aliases for an easier-to-remember email address (such as
  • Manage two-factor verification options and other opt in services.
  • Update personal information such as mailing address, telephone numbers, and emergency contacts.

Members of the university community are responsible for all use of their account and are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure the security of the account.


NSIDs are automatically created for faculty, staff, researchers, and students. If an NSID has not been created by the time employment starts, faculty and staff can contact ConnectionPoint to request an NSID:  Submit an online ticket via ConnectionPoint eform.

Note: For casual hires and non-staff NSID requests, please contact ICT.

Faculty, staff, researchers, and students can request assistance with their accounts and access using the following methods:

If an account or password is suspected to have been compromised, report the incident to the IT Support Services.

Availability of Support

Core Hours: 8:00 am–5:00 pm Monday to Friday

Service Standards

Service Exclusions, Limitations, and Restrictions

  • Accounts must not be shared. Special purpose NSIDs may be created to address the needs for a particular function or organization to access university computer and network services.
  • Accounts and access to services are provided for use in conjunction with university duties or activities. Access to accounts and services may be withheld or withdrawn with cause.
  • For Security reasons, NSID Password Reset Requests will not be provided using email.
  • NSID passwords can be reset using the NSID password self-recovery options by clicking the “Forgot your password” button on the PAWS login page.
    • If recovery options have not been set, faculty, staff, and students will need to either call Internal: 2222 or External: 306-966-2222 or 1-800-966-4817 Toll Free in Canada or bring photo ID and visit the Murray Library IT Support desk in person.

Service Charges

  • There are no charges associated with using account and access services.

Related Terms

Access, Account, Active directory, Address, Authentication, Authorization, Autoreply, CAS, Emergency contact, Group, Ldap, Log on, Login, Logon, My profile, NSID, Network service identifier, Network services ID, Password, Password recovery, Phone number, Shibboleth, Uldap, Username