Contact with Facilities Support Services

Members of the university community can request information or support from Facilities Support Services using the following methods:

Facilities Support Services staff are trained in call escalation and resolution processes and are aware of call priorities and key business issues.

Facilities Core Support Hours

Facilities Support Services core hours are 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.

Outside of core hours, please phone 306-966-5555 to report any urgent facility repair issues.

Maintenance Request Priority Levels

Facilities is responsible for addressing all physical plant and equipment maintenance needs, including departmental equipment. The financial responsibility for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of departmental equipment lies with the owning department. Support maintenance is generally performed on a time and materials basis. Examples of departmental equipment include office furniture, refrigerators, and laboratory equipment such as autoclaves.

There are three priority levels for facilities maintenance requests. The resolution time following an initial response will depend on the complexity of the work and the current volume levels.

Priority Definition Response Time
Emergency The Emergency Priority is reserved for the most critical problems, when there is an immediate threat to human health or safety, research, property, or assets.  It may also be applied to issues with a broad scope of impact (i.e. entire campus or college) where the impact is to core business functions within the university. An example of an emergency situation would be a burst pipe in a building, an elevator entrapment, or a power outage. Immediate
Urgent The Urgent Priority is applied to unexpected issues that affect or impede important operations or sanitation, may pose a health or safety risk, or may become an emergent situation if not addressed in a timely manner. An example of an urgent issue would be a broken window, a leak, or a plumbing issue in an accessible washroom stall. One week or less depending on nature of the issue and availability of resources.
Routine The Routine Priority is used for issues or conditions that do not require immediate attention, and can be responded to during normal operating hours. Routine items include painting, replacing lightbulbs in non-critical areas, and hanging pictures or whiteboards.

Work scheduled based on the nature of the issue and availability of resources.

Types of Maintenance

There are four types of maintenance delivered by Facilities.

Type Description
Reactive Maintenance Reactive maintenance is unscheduled work that requires immediate attention to ensure safe and workable operations. This work may be necessary to restore services, mitigate problems that could interrupt essential operations, or protect life, property, and research.
Corrective Maintenance Corrective maintenance includes the renewal, or repair and replacement, of worn, inoperable, or obsolete building systems and components. Corrective maintenance may be of a planned nature, or be initiated by the identification and report of issues by facilities users.
Preventive Maintenance Preventive maintenance is the Facilities program for the planned and scheduled inspection, analysis, adjustment, lubrication, and replacement of components of building systems and equipment. The purpose of preventive maintenance is to optimize the operating life of University assets, prevent unplanned failures, reduce downtime, and avoid the costs associated with reactive maintenance.
Support Maintenance Support maintenance includes discretionary work that is not required for the general operation or preservation of a building or grounds. Support maintenance is typically specific to the unique needs of a college or unit, and can include reactive, corrective, and preventive maintenance. This also includes maintenance for college or unit specific equipment and spaces.